Dedicated to making Austin healthier

About Me
Hi, I’m Danny, I founded and operate RX Fit, and I wouldn’t say I’m anything special. Not at least from the perspective of prodigious natural talent. Even, with respect to athletics. I’m about average at every sport I play, average at muscular growth, and even weight loss for those cuts to make weight. It’s important for me to be straightforward with anyone looking to join my program. Many of my peers were D1 athletes or are still competitive bodybuilders/fitness models. That’s not my competitive advantage. I realize I’m not doing a great job selling myself. Though, It’s because of this lack of natural, phenom talent that led to the value I do bring.
I have an absolute obsession with complete physical and mental development. My focus has been developing anyone to a higher level, by doing what I had to do for myself. Truly understanding how our bodies work, how our mind and lifestyle affect our performance and finding a training path without having to invest any more time than the few hours you already see your trainer each week. This is what RX Fit brings to those who wish to pursue physical growth. With the system I have created and have diligently taught my team, we solve pain/injuries, increase muscular development, reduce body fat percentage, and most importantly, have more daily mental, and physical, energy to perform at a higher professional level. The reason this can be done together is because research has definitively proven that these are not separate paths and as such all can be trained at the same time. I like to think we don’t train athletes for competition, we train professionals for promotion. Professionals who will still be rocking a firm butt and abs. In all honesty, there are personal trainers who can get you faster results if you wanted a few inches on your arms or a quicker way to shed those 15 pounds. We work with those looking to improve in all facets of physical health while still achieving that perfect aesthetic, for life. This is foundational growth, we aim to age you backward, we do this because it’s time that someone could.
Our goal
About The Mission and Vision
Before and After
My Transformation
I've had several personal trainers before ranging from a gym environment to a personal in home training. Rx Fit is the best though! Always punctual, and ever making changes into my workout routine to better fit my goals.
They don't sell you unnecessary services and products like other trainers but make recommendations based off your needs 6 starts for RX Fit!!!
10/10 would recommend.
I was matched with Jordan. We have sessions 3x a week. I definitely get what I pay for. He pushes me when I need it and is always very encouraging. All trainers come to you, which is a big selling point for me. Jordan is very skilled at adjusting to whatever equipment we have available. You'll work hard no matter what. Overall, his passion for fitness really shows.
Very friendly and easygoing. Online coaching available.