Cardio vs Strength Training: Which Is Better For You? 

Cardio vs strength training, which is better? It’s a question that many people ask themselves when trying to improve their physical fitness. And the answer isn’t always clear. Both cardio and strength training have unique benefits that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at cardio vs strength training. We’ll explore the differences between them, their respective benefits, and whether you should be doing one, both, or neither.

Cardio vs Strength Training: What’s The Difference?

When most people think of cardio, they think of activities like running, cycling, or swimming. These exercises are great for improving heart rate and endurance. Cardio exercises typically involve moderate-to-high intensity aerobic movements that raise your heart rate and make you sweat. Overall, cardio is defined as any type of aerobic exercise that increases your heart rate and gets your blood pumping.

On the other hand, when most people think of strength training, they think of activities like weightlifting or bodybuilding. These exercises are great for building muscle mass and toning your physique. Strength training is any type of exercise that challenges your muscles with resistance. This could be lifting weights at the gym or using your body weight to do push-ups or pull-ups.

So what’s the difference between cardio and strength training?

Cardio is excellent for improving heart rate and endurance, while strength training is excellent for building muscle mass and toning your physique.

Benefits of Joining Team Cardio

There are many benefits to cardio exercises, including:

Improved Heart Rate & Endurance

Cardio helps to improve your heart rate and endurance by getting the heart pumping and making it stronger over time. This is important for improved cardiovascular health.

Burn More Calories During Your Workout

Another great benefit of cardio is that it can help you burn more calories during your workout. This is because cardio exercises are typically high intensity and require a lot of energy to perform. Energy is fueled by calories, so the more cardio you do, the more calories you’ll burn.

Quicker Weight Loss

If your goal is to lose weight, then cardio can be a great option for you. Cardio exercises help you burn more calories given by fat and sugar, which can lead to quicker weight loss.

Benefits of Joining Team Strength Training

In addition to cardio, strength training is another great way to improve your physical fitness. Strength training has many benefits, including:

Burn More Calories All Day

One of the best things about strength training is that it can help you burn more calories all day. This is because when you build muscle, your body requires more energy to maintain those muscles. So even when you’re resting, your body will be burning more calories than if you didn’t have any muscle mass.


Another great benefit of strength training is that it can help you achieve gains. Gains are the results you see from lifting weights or doing other strength-training exercises. These could be things like increased muscle mass, improved strength, or better definition.

Injury Prevention

Strength training can also help to prevent injuries. This is because stronger muscles are less likely to be injured during physical activity. Coupled with the right injury prevention exercises, strength training can help keep you safe from harm.


Yes, You Can Play On Both Teams! Here are The Benefits Of Doing Both Cardio & Strength Training

So what if you don’t want to choose between cardio and strength training? Luckily, you don’t have to! You can benefit from doing both cardio and strength training. Some of the benefits of doing both cardio and strength training include:

Lose Weight

One of the great things about cardio and strength training is that they can both help you lose weight. As we mentioned before, cardio helps you burn more calories during your workout. Strength training helps you burn more calories all day. So if you do both cardio and strength training, you’ll be burning more calories overall, which can lead to weight loss.

Gain Muscle

In addition to helping you lose weight, cardio and strength training can also help you gain muscle. Cardio helps improve endurance, while strength training helps build muscle mass. So if you do both cardio and strength training, you’ll be able to better build muscle mass.

Healthy Hearts

Another benefit of cardio and strength training is that they can both help improve heart health. Cardio helps improve heart rate and endurance, while strength training helps reduce blood pressure. So if you do both cardio and strength training, you’ll be able to improve your overall cardiovascular health.

Mental Health

Finally, cardio and strength training can both help improve mental health. Cardio helps reduce stress and anxiety, while strength training helps improve mood and self-esteem. So if you do both cardio and strength training, you’ll be able to improve your mental health overall.

Cardio vs Strength Training: Which Comes First?

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits of cardio and strength training, you might be wondering which one you should do first. The answer is that it depends on your goals. If your goal is to lose weight, then cardio might be a better option for you. If your goal is to build muscle, then strength training might be a better option for you.

However, it’s recommended that you fit both cardio and strength training into your workout routine. And if you’re not sure which one to do first, then you can always consult with a trained personal trainer to help you create a workout plan that’s right for you.

How Much Cardio Per Week?

If you’re looking to lose weight, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week. That’s about 30 minutes of cardio five days per week.

How Much Strength Training Per Week?

The ACSM also recommends including strength training two to three days per week to help burn fat and build fat-free mass.

Cardio vs Strength Training: The Choice is Yours!

So, which is better for you – cardio or strength training? The answer is that together they work wonders. However, while you incorporate both into your workout routine, you have to tailor them to meet your specific goals.

To help you find the right training to meet your goals, you’ll need the expert advice of a personal trainer. A personal trainer has the skills and experience to help you create a workout plan by understanding the right exercises to correct dysfunctions, build mass and burn fat.

So if you’re not sure where to start, be sure to reach out to our team of expert mobile personal trainers. We’ll be happy to help you create a workout plan that’s perfect for you.