Grace Recla
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
- Paulo Coelho

Hey you! I’m Grace and I’m super stoked that you’re here and reading this. I don’t know if you know this, but solely based on the fact that you’ve made it to this page and you’re invested enough to be reading these words right now, I know that you’re pretty gosh darn serious about this whole health and fitness thing. And you know what else? You’re about to completely change your own life. Seriously. The biggest lesson I’ve learned through my own training and my experiences with training others is that fitness isn’t just about being fit – of course looking good naked is a major benefit 😉 – but improving yourself through adopting healthier habits and routines starts a chain reaction that pushes you to become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life. I’ve seen it happen to strangers, people around me, people close to me, and I’ve even experienced it – to an incredibly large degree – myself. And this is precisely why I’m so freaking excited that you stumbled across this page…because I KNOW that it’s about to happen for you, too.
My job here is to eliminate all of the guess work for you so that you can spend less time thinking about what you should be doing and more time just getting things done and enjoying the process. My other (less spoken about) job is to laugh awkwardly in front of cameras (see video)… and to just laugh…with you, of course, through the ups, downs, and in-betweens. Words cannot express how elated I am that you are starting this journey for yourself, and I would be absolutely honored to be even just a small part of it.
Start Your Fitness Journey With Me Today!