5 Go-To Morning Exercises To Start Your Day Off Right

Starting your day with a few minutes of morning exercise can make all the difference in how productive and effective you are throughout the day. An early morning exercise routine can help to get your blood pumping and wake up your body, while also boosting alertness and mental clarity.

Taking just five to ten minutes out of your morning routine to do some simple stretches or aerobic exercises can help energize you for what’s ahead, making it easier to stay focused on tasks, manage stress better, and be more productive overall.


Here are five go-to morning exercises that will help you start your day right!

Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises can get your body ready for the day ahead, while also helping to increase mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. Here are some of the popular stretching exercises you can add to your morning exercise routine:

Cat and Cow Stretch

The cat and cow stretch is a classic yoga pose, combining a gentle backward and forward bend that helps to warm up your body. This stretch helps to improve posture, release tension, strengthen abdominal muscles, and ease any tightness in the back.

  1. Start in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor.
  2. Inhale as you arch your back, tilting your tailbone up towards the sky. This is the cow pose.
  3. Exhale and round your back, tucking in your chin towards the chest. This is the cat pose.
  4. Repeat this movement 20 times, gradually increasing your range of motion.

Hamstring Stretch

This morning exercise stretch helps to release tightness in your hamstrings, as well as improve flexibility and reduce the risk of leg muscles strain.

To perform this morning’s workout:

  1. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a step forward and bend your knee to a 90-degree angle.
  3. Straighten your back leg and keep both feet planted firmly on the ground.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat for 20 reps.

Downward-Facing Dog

This stretching yoga pose is great for stretching out the entire body, from your hands to your hips to your hamstrings. The downward-facing dog also helps to release tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

  1. Start on all fours with your hands and knees hip-width apart.
  2. Push your hips up towards the sky to form an inverted V shape with your body.
  3. Press down into your feet as you reach back through your heels.
  4. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then release and repeat 20 times.

Aerobic Exercises

According to the CDC, we should all be aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week. But even just five to ten minutes of an early morning workout can make a difference throughout your day.

Also, aerobic exercises have been linked to improved heart health, reduced blood pressure, increased energy levels, and improved mood while regulating your body weight. Here are some of the popular aerobic morning workouts you can add to your morning exercise routine:

Jumping Jacks

This is a classic morning exercise that works your entire body while getting your blood pumping while strengthening your arm and leg muscles. To do jumping jacks:

  1. Start by standing with your feet together and arms at your side.
  2. Jump up and spread your feet wider than shoulder-width apart while raising your arms above your head.
  3. Jump back to the starting position and repeat for a total of 20 reps.

High Knees

High knees is a morning workout that helps to increase your heart rate, regulate your blood pressure as well as improve coordination, agility, and balance. To do high knees:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bring one knee up towards your chest and then switch legs in a quick, continuous motion.
  3. Continue for 20 reps, focusing on keeping your back straight and arms pumping at the side.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are an excellent morning workout for improving your cardiovascular health and strengthening your core. To do mountain climbers:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and legs extended behind you.
  2. Bring one knee up towards the chest, then switch legs quickly like you’re running in place.
  3. Continue alternating for 20 to 30 reps, keeping your back straight and your core tight.

These are just some of the exercises you can use to start your day off right! Incorporate them into your morning workout routine for a boost of energy and improved overall health.

Strength Training Exercises

Strength training is an important part of any morning workout, as it helps to build muscle, improve posture and reduce the risk of injury. Here are some basic strength training exercises you can add to your morning routine or general exercise program:


This classic morning workout strengthens your arms, chest, core, and lower body. It is used to build upper body strength. To perform a push-up:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground, keeping your back straight.
  3. Press up and return to the starting position. Repeat for 20 reps.


This exercise helps to strengthen your legs, glut,es, core and lower back muscles. To perform a squat:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your side.
  2. Push your hips back and bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair.
  3. Keep your chest up and go as low as you can without compromising form.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat for 20 reps.


This is an excellent exercise for strengthening the core and upper body, improving posture and stability. To do a plank:

  1. Start in a push-up position but with your elbows bent and hands up against your ribs.
  2. Keep your back straight, abs tight and toes tucked under.
  3. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then release. Repeat for 20 reps.


Yoga Poses

Yoga is known for its calming and restorative effects, perfect for setting the tone for your day. Here are some of the popular yoga poses you can do in the morning:

Sun Salutation

This sequence is meant to warm up the body anart off your practice. To do a sun salutation:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your side.
  2. Inhale and reach your arms up and overhead, then exhale as you fold forward with a flat back.
  3. Step or jump back into a plank position.
  4. Lower down to the ground and come into Cobra pose, then push back into Downward-Facing Dog.
  5. Step or jump forward and fold back up with a flat back.
  6. Exhale and bring your hands to the heart center, then inhale as you reach your arms up again. Repeat for 8 reps.

Warrior I

This pose is great for building strength in your legs and improving balance and stability. To do Warrior I:

  1. Start standing with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Step your right foot back and bend your left knee, making sure your left knee is aligned over your ankle.
  3. Extend both arms out to the sides, palms facing down.
  4. Engage your core and hold for 10 breaths before repeating on the other side.

Triangle Pose

The triangle pose is beneficial for stretching the hamstrings and opening up the hips.

  1. Start standing with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out slightly.
  2. Raise your arms parallel to each other and the ground.
  3. Reach over to one side while keeping your legs straight, pointing your left hand towards the ground and extending your right arm up towards the ceiling.
  4. Hold for 8 breaths before repeating on the other side.

Mindfulness Exercises

It’s important to start your day with a clear mind, so incorporating some mindfulness morning exercises can help you stay centered throughout the day. Here are some effective mindfulness practices:

Deep Breathing

This exercise is great for calming the mind and releasing stress.

  1. Start by sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed.
  2. Focus on your breath and slow it down, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  3. As you breathe, count the number of breaths until you reach 10.
  4. Repeat the cycle for 3-5 rounds.


Meditation requires practice, but it’s a useful tool to help you stay in the present moment and focus on your breath. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Find a comfortable spot with minimal distractions.
  2. Begin by focusing on your breath, counting each inhale and exhale until you reach 10.
  3. When your mind wanders, return to the breath and start counting again.
  4. Gradually increase the count up to 20 breaths before releasing.

Gratitude Journaling

Writing down a few things you’re grateful for each morning can help you set a positive tone for your day. Here’s how it works:

  1. Take out your journal or notebook and write down 3-5 things that make you feel thankful.
  2. These can be simple moments, people in your life, or anything else that makes you happy.
  3. Spend a few minutes reflecting on each thing and allow yourself to truly appreciate them.

Get Access To A Free Library of Exercises and Fitness Tips

Starting your day with morning exercises can help you feel energized and ready to take on the day. Incorporating stretching, aerobics, strength training, yoga, and mindfulness exercises into your morning routine can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

If you want access to more exercise ideas, check out YouTube Channel for a free library of exercises and fitness tips. These exercises can help you start your day off right and make sure that you stay healthy and fit.

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