The Best Stretches You Can Do At Home If You Sit A Lot

Did you know that more and more people are sitting down at their jobs for hours on end? Or that they’re spending hours commuting every day? It’s no wonder that we have a sedentary lifestyle epidemic! But did you also know that a sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of mortality and doubles the risk of obesity, heart disease and stroke? This is why it’s so important to find ways to move your body even when you can’t get to the gym. In this blog post, we will outline four stretching exercises for beginners at home and their many benefits.


What Are The Benefits of Stretching After Sitting For Long Periods of Time?

Stretching after sitting for long periods has several benefits.

Improves Posture

Having the proper posture is key to avoiding pain in the lower back, shoulders, and neck. Stretching can help you maintain good posture by lengthening your muscles and improving your range of motion.

Reduces Risk of Injury

When you sit for long periods, your muscles tighten and shorten. This puts you at a greater risk of pulled muscles or other injuries if you don’t stretch. Stretching helps to lengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility, which reduces your risk of injury.

Improves Circulation

Sitting for long periods can cause your blood to pool in your legs. This can lead to varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and other circulation problems. Stretching helps to improve circulation by getting your blood moving and aiding in the transport of oxygen and nutrients to your cells.

Relieves Stress

Stress can cause several physical and mental health problems. It can make you more likely to get sick, increase anxiety and depression, and cause headaches, among other things. Stretching can help to relieve stress by releasing tension in your muscles and calming your nervous system.

Boosts Energy Levels

When you’re feeling sluggish, a little stretching can go a long way. Stretching boosts your energy levels by increasing blood flow and oxygen to your cells. It also helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that can improve your mood and make you feel more positive.

There are a number of other benefits of stretching, including improved digestion, better sleep, and reduced inflammation. Stretching is a simple and easy way to improve your overall health!

4 Easy Stretches You Can Do At Home On Your Own 

Here are four stretching exercises for beginners at home:

Thoracic Spinal Twist

This stretch is great for improving circulation and relieving stress. To do this stretch, do the following:

  • Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place your right hand on the opposite side of the chair
  • Place the other hand behind your head
  • Then twist and open your chest while squeezing your shoulder blades together
  • Hold for 30 seconds then switch sides

Side Body Stretches

This stretch is great for relieving tension in the side body. To do this stretch, do the following:

  • Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place one hand behind the head then use the opposite hand to grab its elbow
  • Using that hand, pull your elbow to the opposite side.
  • You are supposed to feel a stretch on the ipsilateral side.
  • Hold for 30 seconds then switch sides

Lower Body Stretches

Use this exercise to open up your hips and stretch your hip flexors. To do this stretch, do the following:

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground.

  • Put one foot across the opposite knee
  • Use one hand to grab the knee and the other to grab the ankle.
  • Push down on the knee while pulling your shoulder blades back together.
  • Then pull your chest towards your knee.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds then repeat 10 more times.

Chair Bridge Stretch

This stretch is great for relieving tension in the lower body. To do this stretch, do the following:

  • Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and your hands behind your head.
  • Scoot to the edge of the chair
  • Place one hand on the chair seat behind you
  • Push with your legs to lift your hips off the chair until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Reach behind with the opposite hand
  • You should feel a stretch along the entire front of your body.

Looking For Free Ways To Improve Your Fitness?

There are many benefits to stretching, including improved circulation, better sleep, and reduced inflammation. Stretching is a simple and easy way to improve your overall health! Try incorporating some of these Stretching exercises for beginners at home into your daily routine to feel the benefits for yourself.

And if you’re looking for more ways to improve your fitness without spending any money, check out our YouTube channel. We have many free workout videos that you can do at home with no equipment.