Virtual Workout: How To Fit Fitness Into Your Schedule

It’s no secret that this generation is busy. We’re juggling work, family, and social obligations on top of trying to find time to fit in fitness. We have to dedicate the necessary time to work out, we need to get creative and find ways to fit it into our schedule.

So how do you fit a workout into your busy schedule? Enter the virtual workout.

If you’re not familiar with the term, don’t worry! In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about virtual workouts: what they are, why they’re so popular, and the best virtual workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home.

What Is a Virtual Workout?

A virtual workout is any type of workout that’s done remotely, either via an online video or an app. Virtual fitness training was even more imperative due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People had to find innovative ways to stay fit and active while also staving off the madness of being under a lockdown.

With that, there was a huge demand for virtual workouts, giving birth to a host of apps, online videos, and even TV workouts offering everything from strength training to HIIT classes.

There are now more virtual personal training options available than ever before, which is great news for busy people who want to get fit but don’t have the time to go to a traditional gym. And with this host of online options, you can easily find a workout that fits your schedule and your fitness goals.

Why Are Virtual Workouts So Popular Now?

Naturally, virtual fitness training will come with a wide range of benefits, hence their appeal. Here are a few reasons why you should consider virtual workouts.

Convenience is Perfect

Nowadays, convenience is key. We’re all trying to maximize our time and get the most out of every day.

Like mobile personal training, virtual workouts allow you to fit a workout into your schedule, without having to commute to and from the gym. Now you can simply roll out of bed, turn on your computer, and get started with a workout to start your day.

You Don’t Need Any Equipment

Another great thing about virtual workouts is that you don’t need any equipment.

While some exercises do require a few basic items like dumbbells or a yoga mat, most can be done without any equipment at all. All you need is a space large enough to move around in and an internet connection, and you’re good to go! This makes virtual workouts perfect for those who don’t have a lot of space or money for gym equipment.

You Can Do Them Anywhere

Whether you’re at home, or on a tropical vacation, as long as you have an internet connection, you can do a virtual workout.

This is perfect for busy people who are always on the go and don’t have time to stick to a traditional workout routine. With virtual workouts, you can exercise anywhere, anytime.

They’re Affordable

Finally, virtual workouts are often more affordable than their in-person counterparts.

Many gyms and fitness studios require a monthly or yearly membership fee, which can add up that factor in their operation costs, which is then transferred to the consumer.

Virtual workouts, on the other hand, are often subscription-based, meaning you only pay for what you use. And since there are so many options available, you can choose a workout that fits your budget.

5 Best Virtual Workouts You Can Do At Home 

The bottom line is that virtual workouts offer a lot of advantages, which is why they’re becoming so popular. Now let’s take a look at some of the best virtual workouts you can do from home.

Strength Training

Strength training is a great way to build muscle, burn fat, and improve your overall fitness. Making strength training just as important as cardio training.

There are plenty of strength-training workouts available online, ranging from bodyweight exercises to kettlebell and dumbbell workouts. And the best part is, you can do them in the comfort of your own home with little to no equipment.

Bootcamp / HIIT Classes

If you’re looking for a high-intensity workout to sweat and get your heart rate up, then a boot camp or HIIT class is perfect for you. Plus, since you don’t require any equipment for these classes, you can simply follow along with the instructor’s cues, and you’re good to go!


Cardio is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and fitness. And luckily, there are plenty of ways to do cardio without having to go for a run or hit the treadmill.

You can do a virtual workout that simulates an outdoor bike ride, or you can even do a jumping jack workout right in your living room. No matter what you choose, you’re sure to get your heart pumping!


As we age, it’s important to stay mobile and flexible. Luckily, there are plenty of virtual workouts that can help you with that.

From yoga and Pilates to stretching and foam rolling, there are tons of options available to help you improve your mobility. And the best part is, you can do them all from the comfort of your own home.

Fitness Accountability

Lastly, one of the best things about virtual workouts is that you can have fitness accountability.

When you work out at home, it’s easy to skip a day or two (or more). But when you have an accountability coach, you’re more likely to stick with it because you don’t want to let them down.

Plus, you can also get encouragement and motivation from them, which can help you push yourself even harder.

Looking For Free Ways To Improve Your Fitness?

With virtual workouts, you can get all the benefits of a workout without having to leave your house!

Rx Fit is here to help you attain your fitness goals within your busy schedule. We help busy professionals get fit by providing them with virtual and mobile personal training that they can do from the comfort of their own homes or office.

So what are you waiting for?

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