Workout At Home Ultimate Guide: Top 5 Best Exercises (With Video)

When it comes to getting in shape, there are a lot of different opinions out there. Some people say that you absolutely must go to the gym to see results, while others believe that you can get all the exercise you need from a workout at home. The truth is that both of these viewpoints have some merit – it depends on what you’re looking for and what type of workout routine you follow.

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best exercises that you can do at home, as well as the benefits associated with each one. We’ll also discuss the importance of carrying out these workouts in a combination and a specific order. This will improve the effectiveness when you work out at home to help you to see better results.


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What Are The Benefits of a Workout-At-Home Routine?

There are a few benefits that come along with working out at home, as opposed to going to the gym. These include:


When you work out at home, you don’t have to travel anywhere or deal with the crowds. You can just roll out of bed and get started.


Some people feel more comfortable working out at home where they won’t be judged by others. Nothing feels better than smashing your fitness goals in the comfort of your own home.


It’s usually cheaper to buy some basic equipment for your home than it is to pay for a gym membership. A discount gym membership usually comes with a long list of catches as well and a hefty price ranging from $100-200 a month.

Now that we’ve looked at some of the benefits of working out at home, let’s take a look at five of the best exercises that you can do. These exercises are great for toning your body and helping you to see results.

Here Are The Top 5 Best Workout At-Home Exercises

The following exercises are some of the best that you can do at home, regardless of your experience level:

#1 Genie Sits

Workout at home-genie sits

This is a great exercise for your core and lower body. It also helps to improve your balance.

  1. Start by kneeling on the ground with your hands crossed in front of you.
  2. Next, lean back slowly, keeping your core engaged the entire time.
  3. When you reach a 45-degree angle, hold for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.

Why It’s Effective

The genie sit is an excellent way to work your core muscles, as well as your leg and arm muscles. It also helps to improve your balance. It is important to keep your core engaged throughout the movement to prevent injury. Using injury-prevention exercises will help you to stave off harm to your body.

Modification: If you find it difficult to balance on your knees, you can place your hands on the ground in front of you for support. You can also rest your knees on a cushion or a towel.

If you want to make the genie sit more challenging, you can hold a weight in your hands while you perform the movement. You can also increase the amount of time that you hold the position at the bottom of the movement.

Equipment Needed: None

Difficulty Level: Beginner

#2 Inch Worms 


This is a great exercise for your shoulders, chest, and arms.

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend down and place your palms on the ground in front of you.
  3. Walk your hands forward until you’re in a push-up position.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds and then walk your hands back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this exercise several times.

Why It’s Effective

The inchworm is an excellent way to work your shoulder, chest, and arm muscles. It also helps to improve your balance. It will also strengthen your core and back muscles.

Modification: If you’re not able to do a full push-up, you can modify this exercise by placing your knees on the ground.

Equipment Needed: None

Difficulty Level: Beginner

#3 Bulgarian Split Squats

workout at home exercises Bulgarian split squats

This is a great exercise for your legs and glutes.

  1. Start by standing in front of a chair or couch with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your right foot on the chair or couch behind you.
  3. Bend your knees and lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the ground.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this exercise several times and then switch legs.

Why It’s Effective

The Bulgarian split squat is an excellent way to work your leg and glute muscles. It also helps to improve your balance. It also requires a ton of work by your core and back to maintain your balance and coordination.

Modification: If you’re not able to do a full split squat, you can modify this exercise by placing your foot on a lower piece of furniture.

Equipment Needed: A chair or couch

Difficulty Level: Beginner

#4 Kickouts 

workout at home exercises kickouts

This is a great exercise for your arms and shoulders.

  1. Start by sitting on the yoga mat with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Place your palms on the ground beside you.
  3. Lean back slightly and kick your legs out slightly while keeping them together.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this exercise several times.

Why It’s Effective

The kick-out is an excellent way to work your arm and shoulder muscles. It also helps to improve your balance. This is a great exercise for people who are new to working out because it is relatively easy to do.

Modification: If you’re not able to do a full push-up, you can modify this exercise by placing your knees on the ground.

Equipment Needed: None

Difficulty Level: Beginner

#5 Plank Hip Taps 

at home exercises plank-hip-taps

This is a great exercise for your core muscles.

  1. Start by getting into a plank position, either resting on your palms or your elbows
  2. Tap your hips to the ground and then return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat this exercise several times.

Why It’s Effective

The plank hip tap is an excellent way to work your core muscles, especially your obliques. You can also increase the difficulty of this exercise by tapping your hips on the ground more slowly.

Modification: If you’re not able to do a full push-up, you can modify this exercise by placing your knees on the ground.

Equipment Needed: None

Difficulty Level: Beginner

How RxFit Can Help You With Your Workout At Home Routine

Hiring a professional at-home trainer is the best way to get results from your workout at home routine. However, working out at home by yourself can only take you so far. A professional at-home trainer will help you with form, technique, and progression. They will also make sure that you are doing the exercises in the most effective way possible.

At RxFit, we believe that the movements you do for fitness are only as important as the combinations and the order that which they’re done. That’s why our certified trainers’ workout-at-home routines are crafted specifically for each client based on their individual goals.

So don’t wait! 



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